Food products could be packaged in plastic bags, paper bags, cans, plastic containers , glass bottles/jars , and other materials that are suitable for packaging food items. The information about the foods are always written on the body of the pack, where it was made and if it is also approved for human consumption. The onus is on the buyer and consumer to check for important information written on the item he or she wants to buy and consume as well.
Another thing to look out for is the state of the material used in packaging these foods . You find some food items on the shelf in really bad shape. Some could be distorted in shape, rusty , leaking or the seals damaged.
- Dented body especially canned foods ; It could serve as a route through which rodents or pathogens could contaminate the food there by causing food poisoning
- Rusty tins; This is can lead to food poisoning especially when the food accidentally comes in contact with rust when you want to consume the food.
- Damaged seals or caps especially drinks or purees
- Leaking packages;
- Tampered packages ; A part of the pack is torn and you see sellotapes or water gum being used to secure the area. The foods we consume are produced in a highly hygienic environment, so using bare hands to secure such an item could contaminate the food.
- Altered colour; You see this in drinks or drugs. Some food items change colour if they absorb light , moisture or if the ideal temperature of the food item is altered.
- Torn labels: This will make it difficult for you read all the information written on the item
- Ingredients/Content ; People have different preference for food either because of their health or just by choice. Diabetic patients should abstain from refined sugars and foods that have high GI( glycemic index). Other things to look out for is non GMO ( genetically modified organism ) , no preservatives,no artificial colouring, no additives, no artificial flavour, no sweetner in the food. Others could be no gluten no casein for Autistic children, no lactose for lactose intolerant patients . Others are allergens for people with food allergy.
- Nutritional Information/Nutrition Values / Nutrition facts; This is where the energy , fat , dietary fibre, protein , vitamins and minerals content are stated with their respective values per serving. People on weight loss journey should look out for food with low calories.
- Expiry date /Best by date/Best before date ; Always check the date on the body of the item. This will inform your decision about getting the item and if you can consume it before the expiry date.
- NAFDAC No; Here in Nigeria we have NAFDAC NO.(National Agency For Food And Drug Administration and Control) which is stamped on all foods and drugs approved by the agency. Find out the one in your country when buying any food .
- Complete accessory for opening ; Always make sure that the tools for opening the food item is in tact before purchasing it. Some canned foods and canned drinks come with a ring pull that makes it a lot easier to open . One could have injuries while using other tools to open it.
Thanks guys for reading and always stay healthy