At birth, the baby usually weighs 2.5 kg or more. A birth weight of 4 kg is termed macrosomia (big baby). There are factors that can affect the birth weight of a baby. It could be as a result of maternal or neonatal factors.
For the purpose of this post I will just dwell on the approximate weight of a child at a particular age. A lot of mothers get worried when they see other babies of the same age with their baby weighing way more than their baby. They start to ask questions about what to give the child.They get all sorts of information that could make the child become ill. As the child grows to become an infant(first 12 months of life) there is a certain weight gain in a day at a particular age.
When a child is born, during the first week the baby may drop in weight. This is due to the loss of extravascular fluid and possibly the colostrum intake. Colostrum is the milk produced in the first few days after delivery.It is thick and yellowish or clear in colour. It has less fat compared to a mature milk.
The following are formulae used to calculate the approximate weight at a particular age
- For 3-12 months of age = Age(months) + 9/2
- 1-6 years = Age (year) x 2 + 8
- 7-12 years =Age(year) x 7- 5/2
In summary,it means that if the child is between the age of 3-12 months, the approximate weight will be 6 kg at 3 months. Now you can add 0.5 kg to subsequent month until 12 months . In this order;
4 months = 6.5 kg
5 months = 7 kg
6 months = 7.5 kg
7 months =8 kg
8 months=8.5 kg
9 months=9 kg
10 months=9.5 kg
11 months=10 kg
12 months=10.5 kg
Now remember that it is an approximate weight and there is a range . Not all children will be exactly the same weight.
For 1-6 years, the approximate weight for 1 year is 10 kg, so all you need do is add 2 kg to the following year. In this order;
2 years =12 kg
3 years = 14 kg
4 years = 16 kg
5 years = 18 kg
6 years =20 kg
For 7-12 years , the approximate weight for a 7 year old child is 22 kg, So add 3.5 kg to the subsequent years up till 12 years. In this order;
8 years = 25.5 kg
9 years = 29 kg
10 years = 32.5 kg
11 years = 36 kg
12 years = 39.5 kg
Please remember that these approximate weights are not rigid. There are factors that can make a child weigh more than the other even when they are of the same age. These include Sex, Race, Genetic make up, Environmental factors etc.
For babies 0-3 months,the approximate weight is 30g/day. Is quite technical because you have to convert to kg. With this you can know what your baby will weigh during the period of the first 3 months.
Alternatively, there are a lot of applications that can accurately calculate the growth percentile of the weight, height and head circumference based on age and gender.
These apps are user friendly and can be down loaded to our phones. It can also give you the multiple units for measures like kg, lb, cm, oz, ft etc. Some of the apps can also monitor growth data of children up to age 20.
Share your experiences with us and do take care of your babies.
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